The WEFE nexus approach
for ensuring
resilient, circular
and green economies


img1 fieldvisit consortium cyprus

193 members

16 demonstrators

58 published events

WEFE4MED objective

The overall objective of the WEFE4MED Project is to foster the adoption of a Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus approach in the Mediterranean through a Nexus Community of Practice (NCoP) to confront the climatic and environmental challenges facing societies and agro-ecological systems. Bringing together practitioners, scientists, policymakers, civil society, media, entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors, the NCoP will convene, share knowledge and build capacities by deploying best practices and science-based policies and innovative solutions inspired by demonstration sites, showcasing the benefits of integrated natural resource management for sustainable, climate-resilient development in the Mediterranean.

Specific Objectives: facilitate the identification, testing, dissemination and replication of Nexus solutions in the Mediterranean; showcase to policymakers and other stakeholders the advantages of Nexus approach using specific case studies; promote the deployment of regional demonstration sites as laboratories for replication, upscaling and policy design.



The Cyprus Institute

The Cyprus Institute is a non‐profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation, created in 2005. It is an issue‐orientated institution, emphasizing international collaborations and cross‐disciplinary research and education. The CYI has established four interdisciplinary research centers which are developed in partnership with leading institutions. Since its foundation CYI actively participated in numerous EU projects (including an ERC) and it is ranked as the first Institute in Cyprus (normalized by its personnel) in EU grants. The Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) of CYI was developed in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is guided by an international Scientific Expert Panel. Research at EEWRC deals with societally relevant issues related to energy, environment, climate and water. EEWRC’s overarching mission is the understanding of and preparing for the major challenges and changes in the environment, socio-economic structures and societies in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 21st century. The Canter has a PhD program in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences. The Water Division of the EEWRC of CYI has coordinated and participated in numerous research projects related to water and natural resource management, environmental observations and climate change impact and adaptation assessments, funded by FP7, H2020, ERANET, WATER-JPI, PRIMA, Interreg and the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation.



GWP Mediterranean

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) was established in 2002 as the Mediterranean branch of the inter-governmental organisation, Global Water Partnership (GWP).

Aiming for a water-se cure Mediterranean, GWP-Med works at the regional, transboundary, national, basin and local level.

GWP-Med promotes action and facilitates dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM); provides technical support to policy making; implements demonstration activities; and customutes to skills and knowledge development. GWP-Med acts on thematic areas such as: IWRM Planning, including in a Source-to-Sea approach; Water Governance & Financing; Climate Resilience; Transboundary Water Resources Management; Healthy Rivers / Healthy Oceans; Non-Conventional Water Resources Management; Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus; Water-Employment-Migration Nexus. Gender and Youth issues, as well as Private Sector Participation including in water financing, are also key, cross-cutting issues for GWP-Med.

GWP-Med facilitates a multi-stakeholder platform that brings together almost 100 water institutions and organisations, including 10 major regional networks of different water disciplines.

GWP-Med extends its human resources in 7 locations in the Mediterranean, having its Head Office in Athens. Based on GWP modalities, it is hosted and legally represented by MIO-ECSDE, a non-profit civil society organisation with Mediterranean scope under the Greek Law.


Berytech is an ecosystem for entrepreneurs, providing a dynamic environment for the creation and development of startups and SMEs, fostering innovation, technology and entrepreneurship in Lebanon. Since 2002, Berytech has assisted more than 4,200 entrepreneurs and helped create more than 3,500 job opportunities in Lebanon.

Berytech’s support falls under capacity building/networking, policy reform, startup and SME development, startup and SME incubation, startup acceleration and incubation, student entrepreneurship development, technology transfer support, and women empowerment. Berytech manages over 30 programs in agriculture and food, water, energy and food, clean technology, green entrepreneurship and circular economy, and social entrepreneurship, all involving ICT and innovation.



The Energy and Water Agency

The Energy and Water Agency is a government agency legally constituted by LN340 of 2016, whose main functions include the formulation, evaluation, monitoring and coordinating the implementation of national policies concerning the use of energy and water in a sustainable manner, the preparation and update of plans to meet National and EU energy and water resources management targets and the implantation of projects conductive to the achievement of such targets through energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy penetration, and water conservation measures.

EWA is the designated lead Competent Authority for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the Maltese islands with direct responsibilities on inland waters, a role which it shares with the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA). In this role, EWA coordinates the National Implementation process of the WFD (the implementation of Malta’s 2nd River Basin Management Plan) and chairs the National Coordination Committee which brings together all the Ministries and public agencies who have a direct role in the implementation of this Directive.

Supporting its energy and water policy objectives, EWA also focuses on stakeholder outreach through a dedicated stakeholder supporting unit, which focuses on raising awareness on different energy and water efficiency aspects at household and business level. Furthermore, EWA coordinates Malta’s R&I strategy for energy and water innovation to support local innovation within relevant fields of research.



Jožef Stefan Institute

The Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. The subjects concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering. The mission of the Jožef Stefan Institute is the accumulation - and dissemination - of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology to the benefit of society at large through the pursuit of education, learning, research, and development of high technology at the highest international levels of excellence.




MedCities was established in 1991 as an informal network of Mediterranean cities and became a legal entity in 2015. Nowadays, it brings together 73 local authorities from all shores of the Mediterranean basin. The Association has a decentralized structure, with a General Secretariat located in Barcelona and two territorial antennas in Sfax (Tunisia) and in the Urban Community of Al Fayhaa (Lebanon).

MedCities goal is to improve the management capacity of its member cities. It acts as a platform for projects, as a collaborative regional actor, a knowledge sharing network and a voice for Mediterranean local authorities. MedCities thematic fields of work are related to three main horizontal axes: fight against climate change, reduction of economic and social inequalities, and the promotion of sustainable development. MedCities has a wide experience leading and participating in projects addressing specific challenges such as strategic planning, sustainable urban services, environment and biodiversity, social cohesion and economic development. MedCities has become a key actor when implementing projects at urban scale in the Mediterranean and has extensive experience in communication, capitalisation and transferability of experiences.



The Arab Water Council

AWC is a regional non-profit organization, based in Egypt, working towards an Arab collective role that raises the level of awareness of water resource management challenges, intensifies current efforts to confront them and customutes to development of a new water culture. Mission is to promote deeper understanding and better management of water resources in the Arab states in a multi-disciplinary, non-political, professional and scientific approach to disseminate knowledge and enhance sharing of experiences to achieve integrated water resources management for sustainable development and good water governance.



Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research

CAWTAR is a regional Arab NGO established in 1993 as a direct response to a long-felt need in the Arab region for a centre specialised in promoting Gender Equality to face Sustainable Development challenges and achieve related Goals. CAWTAR interfaces governmental institutions (Tunisia government and others), regional inter-governmental institutions (League of Arab States and some of its affiliate organizations), UN system (UNDP, UNFPA and UN-Women) and international organizations (the World Bank Group), bi-lateral cooperation (GIZ) in addition to international non-governmental organizations (AGFUND, IPPF).

CAWTAR seeks to establish equal rights, both in law and in practice, for women and men, in order to overcome the gender gaps and allow women and men to act equally for the prosperity of their community. It customutes to the improvement and promotion of Arab women’s role and status through fostering policy dialogue, conducting evidence-based analysis and advocacy activities for change and any time that technical and institutional capacity building is required to pave the way to achieve gender equality through women empowerment, so that women can enjoy their legal and human rights.

CAWTAR’s main areas of interventions are thematic and articulate on the following topics:

  • Gender and economics
  • Gender and human rights
  • Gender and decision making
  • Gender and media
  • Women and legislations
  • Gender and water resource management
  • Adolescence
  • Gender based violence
  • Gender political participation



Egyptian Center for Innovation & Technology Development (ECITD)

ECITD is an independent centre committed to enhancing technology management processes, fostering innovation, and driving socioeconomic growth. Specialising in policy and strategic options related to science and technology, economy, and society, ECITD offers comprehensive technical services, including market research, competencies analysis, innovation intelligence and growth strategies, and monitoring and analysis of technical and economic megatrends across various technology development stages. ECITD is composed of five technical departments and six multidisciplinary research groups, comprising a team of skilled engineers, senior researchers, and technology experts. ECITD's Technology Development Department is dedicated to indigenous technology mapping, skills acquisition analysis, specialised technology roadmaps, innovation foresight, and risk assessment. ECITD's Policy Options Department has developed numerous strategies and policy-mix reviews, utilizing an evidence-based approach to create agile roadmaps. The Socioeconomic Development Research Group has conducted several studies on novel concepts for mitigating brain drain in Africa and analyzing policy implications in priority fields such as food and the environment. The Innovation Policy Group at ECITD functions as a dynamic think tank, providing thought leadership and policy solutions to pressing challenges. The Environment and Renewable Energy Research Group have developed innovation strategies for multipurpose applications in renewable energy, environmental assessments, and transformation roadmaps.



Global Water Partnership Organisation

GWP is a network of 3000+ water organisations that promotes the effective, efficient, and sustainable management of water resources around the world. The network has 77 accredited Country Water Partnerships and 13 Regional Water Partnerships. The Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO) is an intergovernmental agency hosted by the Government of Sweden. The GWPO secretariat, based in Stockholm, provides overall support and ensures communication and coherence across the Network.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

ICARDA is an international organization - headquartered in MENA region - undertaking agricultural research for development. ICARDA provides innovative, science-based solutions for countries across the dry areas. Its research aims to reduce poverty and enhance food, water, and nutritional security and environmental health, in the face of global challenges, including climate change. ICARDA addresses the challenges facing the world’s dry areas: rising temperatures, critical water scarcity, diminishing natural resources, and an insecure food and nutritional future under often unstable social conditions. Its work closely aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ICARDA innovations help countries and communities strengthen their adaptation to climate change and transition towards food and nutritional security. ICARDA technologies and innovations promote the sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity, creating greater resilience to climate change. ICARDA delivers its solutions as integrated packages that include innovative technologies, capacity-building programs, instruments for better market access, and the current best agronomic approaches. These include sustainable, water-smart irrigation, cultivation of drought-tolerant crop varieties, water management approaches such as rainwater harvesting and deficit irrigation, precision farming technologies, and low-water footprint cropping systems.

