Description / Abstract

The National Policy Guidelines are part of a series of studies and policy guides prepared within the assignment “Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security (WEF) Nexus into Policies and Institutions in the MENA Region”. The national guidelines identify institutional entry points (processes and partners) for increased coordination and cooperation of national (sectoral) institutions in Egypt and Jordan, in order to achieve nexus synergies and minimize trade-offs.

Starting from an assessment of the situation in terms of water, energy, and land resources and related human security issues in Egypt and Jordan, the guidelines highlight critical interlinkages, trade-offs and synergies across the WEF Nexus. Based on this assessment, the guidelines map key institutional and policy frameworks relevant to critical WEF nexus interlinkages in each of the two countries. The guidelines finally provide recommendations for addressing these critical interlinkages through mainstreaming a nexus approach into policy processes and institutions, e.g. through strengthening of existing or new coordination mechanisms or highlighting WEF nexus aspects in cross-sectoral policy processes such as those currently being initiated for implementation of the sustainable development goals.

Publication year
Nexus Dimensions
Nexus - Energy
Nexus - Food
Nexus - Water