Masafumi Tamura
in community WEFE4MED Knowledge Hub

The CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains has developed a suite of resource materials to support capacity development in this area. These include diverse courses and training materials, as well as manuals and guides for implementing nexus approaches, tailored to the capacity needs of a wide range of actors – researchers, graduate students, professionals, decision-makers, and policymakers – working in WEFE sectors. The contents focus on technical as well as social considerations, from aspects focusing on modelling to equity and inclusion, related to managing the WEFE nexus. Resources are described based on their intended audience and purpose, and can be accessed at the links provided below.

Training and courses

Water–energy–food–ecosystems (WEFE) nexus approaches

WEF Masterclass and advanced schools

Gender equity and social inclusion: Learning module

Additional tools and resources