Event date 26 Sep '24 15:00 - 16:45 (UTC)
Event location https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsf--urTotGdyM0rd3iuudhGdBDQOc8sYy
Responsible organisation
Responsible Organisation(s)


The countries around the Mediterranean are already struggling to meet water needs, particularly because of climate change making it more necessary to control both water demand and the carbon footprint of water management, particularly in the agriculture and energy sectors.

The Scientific and Technical Council of IME has set up a working group responsible for identifying innovative and effective experiences in the region in terms of intersectoral planning. Experiences from ten countries have already attracted a great deal of interest from participants at the Mediterranean Water Forum held in Tunis in February 2024.

Theme and objective

Many strategy documents or action plans exist in the field of water, at local or national level:

assessments or diagnoses, prospective studies, multi-year action plans or programs, monitoring or evaluation reports; and many mechanisms exist to manage resources and the water cycle:

monitoring of water resources, basin committees or local water management authorities. But it is not easy to guarantee that these planning documents and these mechanisms are consistent with other documents or mechanisms of the same type put in place by the actors of agriculture or energy.

Through a series of webinars allowing exchanges and comparisons between countries, the working group will produce political recommendations concerning the planned actions aimed at achieving the objectives of sustainable development, not only in terms of meeting water needs, in quantity and in quality including environmental needs, but also in terms of agricultural production or energy with control of greenhouse gases.

Expected results

Beyond simple information on the situation of the countries, the comparison of successful experiences or difficulties encountered will make it possible to draw up recommendations on governance and the quality of planning tools, namely the institutions organized at various territorial levels, information systems, research and training.

International cooperation in these areas will be identified and highlighted.

Sixth webinar: experiences from Greece and Lebanon This sixth webinar will present:

➢ Prospective planning of water resources and programs to control water demand, particularly from agriculture;

➢ Consistency between the approaches of the water and energy sectors;

➢ Innovations needed from all types of water users to adapt to water scarcity in the future


registering here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsf--urTotGdyM0rd3iuudhGdBDQOc8sYy
