Given the growing impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on water, energy, and food security and ecosystem health, we need to double down on better management of water resources. Integrated assessment models are increasingly called upon to assess not only the hydrological but also the economic and economy-wide impacts of water resource management strategies for key human development indicators, such as agricultural GDP, employment, and environmental flow availability. This webinar will present results from the CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains and related work in the Eastern Nile Basin that can help policymakers develop more impactful and integrated water solutions in a climate crisis.
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Background reading: Integrated simulation framework for the impacts of large dams: Example of the GERD
- Mohammed Basheer, University of Toronto and NEXUS Gains collaborator: Towards an integrated approach to dam impact assessment in the Eastern Nile
- Mekdelawit Messay, University of Florida: Revisioning Equity and sustainability through the water food energy nexus: a transboundary approach
- Yasir Mohamed, Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
- Claudia Ringler, NEXUS Gains Co-Lead and International Food Policy Research Institute