Event date 28 Mayo '24 10:00 - 11:30 (UTC)
Event location https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkde-vpj8uHtXrYfyrzI_ZFaHlhXWJlRjT 
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The Role of Communities of Practice in WEFE-NEXUS Implementation

USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity continues its WEFE Nexus Lecture Series (No. 24) with a focus on the role of Communities of Practice in advancing WEFE-Nexus implementation.

The number of communities of practice (CoPs) within the field of water resources management is growing significantly and here are a few important examples:

  • The AquaRating CoP launched by the IWA and the Inter-American Development Bank;
  • The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Community launched by CGIAR,
  • The Water and Open Government CoP founded by SIWI, the World Resources Institute, WIN, and
  • And the CoP platform launched by USAID in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia hosted on the Eurasian River Basin Portal.

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) supports more than 20 CoPs worldwide on a wide range of topics related to integrated water resources management including transboundary water cooperation, gender and social inclusion, and SDG 6 monitoring and implementation. The CoP approach has emerged as a favored model for advancing sustainable water resources management. That said, CoPs are also relatively new to the water sector, so there is no common approach and roadmap for making such communities sustainable and identifying key and common topics. Moreover, as CoPs are being applied for a number of aims beyond knowledge sharing and improving water management practices (i.e., policy reform, intersectoral cooperation, and cross regional cooperation), there is a risk of over-emphasizing the use value of the concept of CoP. 

USAID’s WEFE Nexus lecture 24 is being held in cooperation with the WEFE4MED community and will focus on the role that CoPs can play in relation to advancing social learning and WEFE Nexus implementation. The lecture will address some of the learning theory that supports the CoP concept and discuss some practical examples of GWP-supported CoPs, as well as experiences and lessons from the WEFE4MED Community.


  • Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Lévesque, IWRM & Knowledge Management Specialist, Network Officer for China and Southeast Asia   

This lecture will be virtual with simultaneous English-to-Russian translation.

Register here: 


Date: May 28, 2024, at 3:00 pm (Almaty Time/GMT+5)